Q & A
1. What is the Topower stock code on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE)?
under TWSE code “3226”
2. Who should I contact for media interview?
Spokesperson : Mr. David Chen |
TEL:+886-6-510-5388 |
Proxy for Spokesperson : Ms. Chi Lin |
3. 欲辦理變更本公司股東地址及股票實體過戶應向何處洽詢?
4. How to contact Topower’s stock transfer agent?
Capital Securities Registrar Agency Department | |
Address : B2, No.97, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10601, Taiwan, R.O.C. | ||
Tel : 886-2-2702-3999 |
5. How to acquire our monthly sales, annual financial statements?
Please go to “Investors/Financials ” on our website for more details.
6. Where to acquire company news, announcements, and patents for new products?
Please go to “Press center” on our website for more details.
7. Where to find our major announcement ?
Please go to MOPS and type in our stock code : 3226 in major announcement search engine.